Use the first field for metadata purposes, with a embedded csv starting with csv-metadata-key,csv-metadata-value as the header, set csv-type-name if you want to set the type of your csv and csv-field-zero if you want to set the value of the first field (the field index zero) and use empty keys as comments or to skip a line and take care with double quotes, as one double quote is now two and a escaped double quote is now four.
This is a comment!
otherKey,""value with """"double quotes""""!""
2 Introduction
This article assumes that the RFC4180 is the right way to write and read CSV files.
On the internet you can find many ways to add metadata to a csv file, some of them turn your csv into proprietary formats that only your program can understand while others require additional files, zip files or other data formats such as JSON or XML, in this article I propose a method to add metadata to csv files.
3 Alternatives
3.1 # as comments or metadata
This seems to be the most common way to add metadata or comments to a csv, it either requires a custom parser or preprocessing, it has no standard and can be quite ambiguous as a field starting with # can also be a valid field.
#This is my csv file!
3.2 Metadata file/Zip file
A file for metadata purposes is carried together with the csv file, usually with the same name as the csv file plus a suffix (-meta.type) and uses any data format, both files can then be bundled in a zip file.
<description>This is my csv file!</description>
3.3 W3C
They tried, I never heard of this W3C format until I started searching about metadata in CSV files.
3.4 References
4 My alternative
So, if we want to add metadata to our csv files, it must be a single csv file, it must not use other data formats, it must be compatible with a csv parser that can read RFC4180, it has to be identifiable and simple enough that people would consider to use it.
4.1 Field Zero
After thinking about it, there's no better place to add metadata than placing into the first field of the csv file.
4.2 No other data formats
Instead of using other data formats such as json or xml, we use a embedded csv for it, this eliminates the requirement for other data formats.
4.3 Identifiable
We use a csv header for it, this can only contain a key and a value, any other header is not valid and should be processed as a normal field, even if the header is quite unique, it is still a good idea for parsers to add a option for reading it as text instead of metadata, redefinition of fields is allowed and is done in order of appearance, because this is a embedded csv file, double quotes must be written as two instead of one and four instead of two inside of quoted fields.
x,""field, with, commas""
y,""field with """"double quotes""""!""
4.4 Identification of the CSV data
We add a optional "csv-type-name" for type identification, similar to XML Namespaces, this allows a csv file to be easily distinguishable from each other, as it is for XML I recommend using a URL for it but any string is valid, even an empty one or nothing.
4.5 Field Zero Value
We add a optional "csv-field-zero" for defining the value of the field zero (the first field), if not present, a empty string is assumed.
4.6 Compatibility
If it is needed to remain compatible with a system, we can move all data to the right and remove the "csv-field-zero", this does not affect anything, it only changes the structure of the csv itself and makes the header reappear correctly again.
4.7 Single-line and Multiline Comments and Line Skips
The fact that we allowed redefinition of fields means that we can now use empty keys as single-line or multiline comments or to skip a line, care should be taken with double quotes, as this is still a normal field.
,Single line comment!
This is
a multiline
5 In code
Reading and Writing becomes quite simple, the CSV parser I am using was made by myself with less than 100 lines, which is one of the main advantages of CSV, the class accepts null values as empty strings.
5.1 Reading
CSV csv = CSV.read(...);
String keyHeader = "csv-metadata-key";
String valueHeader = "csv-metadata-value";
String header = keyHeader + "," + valueHeader;
String quotedHeader = "\"" + keyHeader + "\",\"" + valueHeader + "\"";
Map<String, String> metadata = new LinkedHashMap<>();
String fieldZero = csv.get(0, 0);
//check if the field zero starts with the header
if (fieldZero.startsWith(header) || fieldZero.startsWith(quotedHeader)) {
//read the metadata as csv and check if the header is valid
CSV csvMetadata = CSV.read(fieldZero);
if (csvMetadata.getNumberOfFields() == 2
&& csvMetadata.get(0, 0).equals(keyHeader)
&& csvMetadata.get(1, 0).equals(valueHeader)
) {
//read the metadata, skipping the header
for (int metaRecord = 1; metaRecord < csvMetadata.getNumberOfRecords(); metaRecord++) {
String k = csvMetadata.get(0, metaRecord);
String v = csvMetadata.get(1, metaRecord);
//remove comments
if (k.isEmpty()) {
metadata.put(k, v);
//set the field zero
csv.set(0, 0, metadata.get("csv-field-zero"));
System.out.println("Type: "+metadata.get("csv-type-name"));
System.out.println("Field zero: "+csv.get(0, 0));
5.2 Writing
CSV csv = CSV.read(...);
String keyHeader = "csv-metadata-key";
String valueHeader = "csv-metadata-value";
Map<String, String> metadata = new LinkedHashMap<>();
//set field zero
metadata.put("csv-field-zero", csv.get(0, 0));
//create a new csv with the size of metadata plus 1
CSV csvMetadata = new CSV(null, 2, metadata.size() + 1);
//write the header
csvMetadata.set(0, 0, keyHeader);
csvMetadata.set(1, 0, valueHeader);
//write the metadata
int index = 1;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e:metadata.entrySet()) {
csvMetadata.set(0, index, e.getKey());
csvMetadata.set(1, index, e.getValue());
//output to field zero
csv.set(0, 0, csvMetadata.toString());
6 Security Risks
Embedding CSVs inside of CSVs can become a potential DoS attack vector due to how double quotes are escaped, for every depth level the amount of required double quotes is doubled, at depth 32, the required amount of double quotes for a single double quote would need gigabytes of character data to escape it.
If you really need to embed multiple CSVs inside of a CSV file without additional files, the best way would be to create a file system using a single zip file, write all of your CSVs to it and then embed the zip as base64 in a master CSV, care should be taken as zip bombs can still be a possibility.
7 On External Editors
If correctly escaped, any editor that supports the RFC4180 should be able to read and preserve the metadata.
7.1 Google Sheets
Google Sheets was the best one, seems to fully follow the RFC4180 in importing and exporting csv files.
7.2 LibreOffice
LibreOffice was able to import/export correctly but it has a strange behaviour to replace double quotes with curved double quotes on the editor and the lack of smooth scrolling makes it annoying to edit large metadata fields.
7.3 Excel
Excel never supported RFC4180 as far as I know, if things did not change, excel should still be the devil of csv files, generating different csv files that depend on which country you are, making sure that your life as a programmer will be a pain.
7.4 Other Online Editors
I was able to find a bunch of small online editors of csv files, all of the ones I tested seems to follow the RFC4180.